Lewis Structure

The key ideas of the Lewis theory of bonding are:

Writing Lewis Formulas

Calculate Have, the number of electrons available in the valence (outer) shells of all the atoms. For negatively charged ions, add to this total the number of electrons equal to the charge on the anion; for positively charged ions, subtract the number of electrons equal to the charge on the cation.

                Number of Bonds =  (Required – Have)/2

Lewis formulas may be shown as either dot formulas or dash formulas.

                Lone pair = Have – 2(Number of Bonds)

Example: CH2O
Element Have Required  
C 4 8

# bonds = (req'd - have) / 2
              = (20 - 12) / 2
              = 4

H 1(2) 2(2)
O 6 8
total 12 20

# of electrons in lone pair = have - 2(# bonds)
                                          = 12 - 2(4)
                                          = 4


Step 1: Place the atoms around the central atom
Step 2: Add bonds, single bonds first
.....then double bond if there are still bonds left to place
Step 3: Add lone pair electrons

Example: BO33-
Element Have Req'd  
B 3 6

# bonds = (req'd - have)/2
              = (30 - 24)/2
              = 3

O 6(3) 8(3)
total 21 + 3
= 24
    # of electron in lp
              = have - 2(#bonds)
              = 24 - 3(6)
              = 18

Step 1: Place the atoms around the central atom
Step 2: Add bonds, single bonds first
Step 3: Add lone pair electrons
Step 4: Add square brackets since it is an ion


Example: PCl5
Element Have Req'd # bonds = (req'd - have)/2
              = (50 - 40)/2
              = 10
P 5 10
Cl 7(5) 8(5)
total  40 50 # of electron in lp
              = have - 2(#bonds)
              = 24 - 3(6)
              = 18

Step 1: Place the atoms around the central atom 
Step 2: Add bonds, single bonds first
Step 3: Add lone pair electrons